1) Common Lecture (CL).
You need to refer to the timetable that given by faculty. There will be topic, time, and place for CL. Basically, prof/dr will come to Dewan Kuliah DK and teach us. The lecture note will be given to you through UKMFolio. Just print and bring to class during CL. It will better if you guys find extra time to read and understand the objective before lecture. Sometimes  the lecturer will give the notes after class or late. So, you guys can refer to senior's lecture note sebab there's not much difference. IMPORTANCE Thing is that you guys need to respect your lecture and PLEASE don't make them pissed off. That will be terrible. Try to have a good relationship with your lecture.

2) Self-Learning Package (SLP).
This means you guys need to learn by yourself and lecturer not gonna teach but you can ask them anytime (they will provide their email on SLP note/exercise. Usually, SLP is a FAQ in exam, so, bear in mind you better understand the SLP, do exercise given. SLP is quite frequent being ask in essay. So, please read and don't take it easy.

3) Problem-Based Learning (PBL).
PBL will conduct in group by dividing the whole batch into a group with 8-10 members. Each group will have 1 facilitator (DR) to guide and supervise during PBL session. Usually, 1 PBL issue 1 faci. The faci will rotate based on their department.

PBL has a carry mark around 10% for each module. It includes in Continuous assesment which mean it is important. So my tips is that you guys need to voice out your opinion and participate during discussion. Here's the flow of PBL:
  • 1st session: if you not confident at first, try to volunteer in reading the triggers given etc before discussion. It might helps. You need to point out the ques, hypothesis, diagnosis dx, physical examination px, historical examination hx to make a learning issues. (1 PBL has 1 Disease (Dx), basically disease that you learn in that module)
  • 2nd session: that will be better if you prepare your own concept map for better understanding. Prepare your thoughts and notes for learning issues before discussion start. Try to undertsand.
  • PBL give you an overview of common disease and information, chief complain about patient. 

4) Meet Expert Session(MES)
For MES, lecturer will give you a question to answer. So you need to prepare before MES class. MES question will be given early for you guys to prepare the answer. Usually, you guys can refer lecture note for an answer  or just find in website. During MES session, you guys will discuss in details with Dr in a group. So, please do before MES session. Tengok Dr. jugak, sometimes Dr will just randomly pick who ever he/she want to answer the question. If you dont understand, just ask the dr. It will be fine and dont be scare to ask sebab MES session divides in a small group.

5) Practical
Practical is very important because it will be ask on OSPE (exam for practical). After experiment is done, you need to do a report as usual. If not, just looking at the cells using microscope. 

  • Tips for cell histology: find their special features, so it will be easy for you to know the cells during an exam.
  • Tips for anatomy histology: if gross anatomy, you guys will see cadaver at dissection hall which is REAL and its already dissect for you. So, just hold, see the gross feature but you need to buybthe glove first around 50 sen kot.
  • Rules: You must wear labcoat. If not, you cant enter. Tapi if you guys mmg terlupa and tak sempat nak ambil your labcoat, you guys can rent at lab officer for RM5  a day.
6)Team Based Learning (TBL)
This session will be conduct in PBL group usually in lecture/exam hall. you guys will discuss together in a group. Sometimes there will be a quiz. The group that get highest mark will have a present etc. 

7) Small Group Discussion (SGD)
Basically, SGD will be held in a group which you will meet you pbl members again. hAHAHA. You guys will discuss based on what you will learn. Usually it is only for PPA module. It is just like PBL, 1 group 1 faci without rotation each semester.

8) Seminar
Seminar usually in MEDSOC or PPA module. There will be lecture or presentation during seminar. That'a all.


List of Exam:
1) EOM (End of Module) 
2) EOS (End of Semester)

Format: OBA + EMI + MEQ. Each module will have differ fraction of question. You may refer to study guide for details. Study guide will be given to you guys along with timetable. EOM & EOS will be held at Exam hall, 1st floor, Opposite to DK1 (lecture hall).
IMPORTANT: You must bring you matrix card to exam hall to take exam!

  • you guys can seat anywhere you like. EOM will be held a day after you finish each module. Basically, 1 semester will be 4 EOM for 4 Module
  • Important since it include in continuous assesment for 20% if im not mistaken.
  • If you fail EOM, it doesnt mean you fail  in EOS. So dont worry, try your best and study 'hard' for EOS. EOM might lower you mark slightly but PBL and OSPE carry mark will help to topup on your final mark.
  • You need to print you exam slip and bring to exam hall along with your matrix card.
  • You need to seat at exam hall based on no. given at exam slip.
  • If fail during EOS, you need to resit paper based on module that you had failed during Year break. You might stay half month to resit paper.
  • During resit paper, they will be no carry mark which is 100% during resit. If pass, you can move to next year with your batchmate but if not, you might end up repeat year.

OSPE will be held at lab, 7&8th floor. Students will be divided into groups equally and there will be stations. Each student in a groups will have his/her no.After entering the lab, you guys just need to go to you stations based on no. given. Each students will move in group rotation to next station from where he starts once the bell rings. Each station consist of 1 question that have subdivided questions sometime. Each station takes only 4 minutes to answer. There will be one rest station where you guys just need to sit and relax for a while.

Before OSPE, Dr. akan bagi taklimat on how OSPE will be conduct. So, tolong dengar betul2 or you might get confuse nanti.

I think that's all for now! Goodluck 


  1. Kak , berapa cgpa u and markah koko ?

    1. probably pass t&c for enter ukm medic school

  2. In MBBS ada Kira pointer jugak ke ?

    1. And how do they calculate it ?

    2. Based on your grade in each subject in wajib fakulti


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