

COMPONENT IN PRE-CLINICAL  1) Common Lecture (CL). You need to refer to the timetable that given by faculty. There will be topic, time, and place for CL. Basically, prof/dr will come to Dewan Kuliah DK and teach us. The lecture note will be given to you through UKMFolio. Just print and bring to class during CL. It will better if you guys find extra time to read and understand the objective before lecture. Sometimes  the lecturer will give the notes after class or late. So, you guys can refer to senior's lecture note sebab there's not much difference. IMPORTANCE Thing is that you guys need to respect your lecture and PLEASE don't make them pissed off. That will be terrible. Try to have a good relationship with your lecture. 2) Self-Learning Package (SLP). This means you guys need to learn by yourself and lecturer not gonna teach but you can ask them anytime (they will provide their email on SLP note/exercise. Usually, SLP is a FAQ in exam , so, bear in mind you better unders

MEDIC UKM : First Year MBBS Student 2019

FRESHMAN YEAR Well, on my freshman year, there's a lot of things that I've learn through my half year in semester 1 at PPUKM. My first week as a university student is quite a 'culture shock' for me. The system and everything is something new that i need to adapt and of course, i need to adapt ASAP because we learn so fast. New topic everyday, need to catch up everything or you will be behind. That's sound scary. Yes! I've been through that. Seems difficult TBH since you're just in a freshman year. I fail on my first module in the test but I got through it by breaking my own walls and yea, I pass my final semester 1. That's what i satisfied about. I don’t have a friend that I know before, everyone is new to me. It takes time for me to get along with them. Yes! Finally, I got new friends that as crazy as I am and we are closed that called as “Onion’s Aunty” hahahha…sounds great! We study in groups together especially when exam just around the corner and ha

Second Chance

                                 بِسْـــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم Moving to PPUKM               Why I put the title second chance ? wanna know? After a week of MDS at UiTM SHAH ALAM, on September the forth 2019, I got called from my parent that I got MBBS in PPUKM for September 2019 session as a Second Intake student!! I was literally shocked and stuttered for a while eventhough I ’ m still on the phone with my parent … my tears cascading down my cheeks as I ’ m sooo like I don ’ t know, too excited, unbelievable and like at a cloud nine! Yeaa … that was kind of emotion I can say to show the situation that I had at that time. That was my first day of class and I just go for English Class for 2 hours and skipped the other class like holy crab I can ’ t believe what I did that day (I just think what should I do now?) Then, my mum called to go to HEA asked for Opt-out form (borang tarik diri) and settle everything by that day…Kinda complicated, too bad, I was soo overwhe


WELCOME BACK TO MY BLOG EVERYONE..GIVESOME SHOUT OUT!! WOHOOO!! HAHA Last 2 weeks ago I got entered UITM SHAH ALAM Bachelor in Chemical Engineering with Honoured which is my fifth choice of UPU and I was so lucky to got that eventhough I missed chance to study medicine at any university on my first to forth choice. But yea I’m still lucky being short listed for interview in medic for three university (UKM, UiTM, UNISZA). Kinda frusted a bit because I’m really love biology and becoming a doctor is my passion since my childhood but as I’m getting older I interested both doctor and engineering cause I’m in love with physics too as it is kinda tough and lots of theory, really challenging which is what I really into it. There’s a lot of things happen during Minggu Destini Siswa, such a tremendous time with my friends and supporting pm who run the event very smoothly( PM JUAN and PM Kasyah both are really funny and cool person EVERRR. So, here’s some random photos during MDS vibes #md


بِسْـــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم   So hello for my next sharing. On the day i got my call for an interview for medic at UKM, i was so excited for that and nervous of course! The interview was held at Blok Praklinikal UKM at Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. Let's get started Only for my blog You will also get uitm call letter lebih kurang camni gak Okay..It said you need to be there at 8 am BUT you guys have to be there as early as you can because you will be called in a group based on the earliest till the late. So basically, the early you are the fastest your interviewed. They will called one by one to check you things to bring list and then youre going upstairs to the hall room for a talks and a bit of instruction for interview while waiting for the groups turn. OH YA! I forgot to tell you that actually this interview will be held in 30 minutes average and done as multiple mini interview or can be called as MMI. For both university have the same style of interview, so


بِسْـــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم Bonjour everyone ! it's such a long time not blogging. First and foremost i would like to say thank you for this opportunity on behalf me, myself. haha. I'm just kidding! Okay fine, let it be serious now. i went for interview MBBS 2019/2020. There is IMPORTANT things to focus on :-  INTERVIEW SLIP OTHERS RELATED LIKE WHAT THEY TOLD YOU TO BRING READ EVERYTHING THAT WRITTEN ON THE SLIP (you might terlepas pandang on something important. Especially, if it is ask to bring on interview but written in sentence, not listed. Like mine below.. My advice is that please, please, pleaseeee organise all your certificate and slip that you need to bring.My advice, use FILE!! Yes 3X, that will look more organise. " SUSUN IKUT LIST ". said my mum. Okay, macam ni. First, take one file - put original certificate etc based on listed in files. Second, -do the same thing for copy ( mesti dah sahkan ye) But, no need

Jom Masak Ikan Siakap Stim Limau

    بِسْـــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم         Hai korang.....fuhh dah lama x post.. Ieqa busy la katekan.Tahun ni kan amik PT3. Alhamdulillah dah abis dah,dah free. Tapi free free pun tup tup lagi setahun nak SPM #nervous. Hmm..papepun markah PT3 dah tahu cuma harapkan gred turun je.Harap-haraplah gred turun. I just wanna make my parent proud and happy. Btw, result PT3 keluar pada 12/12/2015. fuhh nervousnyeee....batch 00 tahu la kan... Papepun tawakkal kepada Allah.^_^     Okay,berdasarkan tajuk di atas, actually cuti ni Ieqa pikir nak belajar memasak.hehe>< My papa teach me how to cook that today...wuhuuu my fav food...muah muahh...almaklumla tak pandai masak ...belajarla..bukan tak pandai masak sume ye,tak pandai masak yang jenis berat berat camni je...Makanan ringan bolela senang je apetah lagi telur goreng and maggi weeeee...>_< okay tadi baru lepas masak and Ieqa nak share my papa recipes cause i think my papa recipes is a bit different...